Suhosin is PHP specific and operates at that level (at the app level
and "protecting" PHP)... mod_security works at a higher level.

On Feb 19, 2010, at 10:25 AM, James Smallacombe wrote:

> After a recent php compromise of the www user on my web server via the Zen 
> Cart "record company" exploit, I installed the Suhosin extension (patch was 
> already there).  Suhosin helped a great deal.  It enabled me to block certain 
> php functions globally and re-enable them on a per-vhost basis, as needed.  
> Perhaps just as importantly, it logged violations, along with IP addresses, 
> which not only enabled me to track down attackers, but also troubleshoot 
> which vhosts needed which functions to work properly.
> After having customers' content providers patch their respective Zen Carts 
> and purging/disabling the several c99shells and other nasty scripts uploaded 
> by kiddies, we found that the patched Zen carts wouldn't function properly 
> and wasn't logging what part of Suhosin was blocking functionality. Neither 
> Zen developers nor the Suhosin author responded to requests for a workaround 
> for this.
> Sadly, there doesn't appear to be any current development or support for the 
> Suhosin extension, no forum or mailing list.  This leaves one wondering what 
> the best way is to manage php (and other) security on the web server.  Does 
> mod_security allow some of the same funtionality, and is there current 
> support and development of it?  What's the best current practive WRT Apache 
> and php security?
> TIA,
> James Smallacombe                   PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
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