Hi Peter,

The load balancer set for round robin minumweight based, that the request
transferred to the Apache instace has minimum connections.

Best Regards,
Arun J

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 12:54 PM, <pmilan...@nypl.org> wrote:

> What is the persistence setting on the Load Balancers? Is it different if
> persistence is turned off competely? Weighting servers will throw this off
> completely.
> Thanks-
> Peter J. Milanese, Senior Systems Engineer
> Information Technology Group
> The New York Public Library
> pet...@nypl.org - 212.621.0203
> |------------>
> | From:      |
> |------------>
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>   |Arunkumar Janarthanan <arunkumar.webad...@gmail.com>
>                                                                            |
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |------------>
> | To:        |
> |------------>
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>  |users@httpd.apache.org
>                                                                          |
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |------------>
> | Date:      |
> |------------>
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>  |01/28/2010 12:41 PM
>                                                                         |
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |------------>
> | Subject:   |
> |------------>
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>  |Re: [us...@httpd] Apache Server status page shows uneven number of
>  requests across load balanced web servers                                 |
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> Could anyone help me with this issue ? I still see the number of workes
> differing to each Apache though it configured for well load balancing ?
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 3:50 PM, Arunkumar Janarthanan <
> arunkumar.webad...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Gary,
>  Here is the netstat output attached from one of the webserver where the
>  connections are on HIGH numbers. Regarding the load balancer I am trying
>  to explore more setting options.
>  Thanks again for looking into this issue.
>  Best Regards,
>  Arun J
>  On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Gary Smith <gary.sm...@holdstead.com>
>  wrote:
>   Arun,
>   This is just a WAG, but I think that the problem still lies in the
>   client side and how the load balancer is handling the requests.  I would
>   still be interested in seeing the netstat -atunep output  from one of he
>   affected machines when there is a high level of connections in a closed
>   state.  Even though the sessions aren’t sticky, is it possible that the
>   load balancer is handling keep alive in such a way that it’s sending the
>   back to the original server but on in a new state?  (that’s a little
>   beyond my knowledge though).
>   Gary Smith
>   From: Arunkumar Janarthanan [mailto:arunkumar.webad...@gmail.com]
>   Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:37 AM
>   To: users@httpd.apache.org
>   Subject: Re: [us...@httpd] Apache Server status page shows uneven number
>   of requests across load balanced web servers
>   Thanks Gary,
>   The load balancing method we use is weight based, so apparently the load
>   balancer suppose to send the traffic to the web server has least number
>   of connections. However the Netscaler support confirmed they see
>   eventual number of traffic routed to all 4 web servers.
>   Regarding the Apache restart time, I restarted all 4 servers same time
>   and checked could still see the requests on 1 & 3 are being handled.  I
>   dont think we have sticky session enabled at loadbalancer level.
>   For the same problem we have not before changed the load balancer
>   settings from sourceIP persistence to Weight based to have the load
>   distributed equal on all the servers.
>                             IP     port         Type        State    Req/s
>   731-...30_80  x.x.x.x   80         HTTP           UP     16/s
>   731-...31_80  x.x.x.x   80         HTTP           UP     16/s
>   731-...31_80  x.x.x.x   80         HTTP           UP     14/s
>   731-...55_80  x.x.x.x   80         HTTP           UP     20/s
>                  Rsp/s   Reqb/s   Rspb/s ClntConn  SvrConn  MaxConn
>   SurgeQ
>   731-...30_80    16/s  12406/s 345117/s        7      285        0
>   0
>   731-...31_80    16/s  10956/s 365025/s        7      262        0
>   0
>   731-...31_80    14/s  11140/s 368655/s        6      268        0
>   0
>   731-...55_80    20/s  14322/s 420105/s        7      272        0
>   0
>   However the Apache server status still shows the number of requests
>   being handled huge difference.
>   I have attached the balancer-manager page as well with this email.
>   Best Regards,
>   Arun J

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