On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 1:31 AM, Jarrod Slick <jar...@e-sensibility.com>wrote:

> Apache Users,
> As some of you may or may not know a fairly prominent commercial webserver,
> LiteSpeed, claims to outperform even a well configured Apache 2.2.x
> installation by orders of magnitude.  They have some internal benchmarks
> that appear to back this up, but, being a natural skeptic, I wanted to test
> it out for myself.  So I've agreed to pit Apache and LiteSpeed (as well as a
> few other webservers) against one another in benchmarking tests on a 2x Xeon
> 5520 machine.  I, and hopefully others, will be configuring Apache.
>  LiteSpeed will be configuring their product.

What is the workload you are benchmarking?  Static pages, PHP/mod_perl code,
CGI, etc.?  Is the client a benchmark tool or a browser, and where on the
network is it relative to the server?  How are you measuring performance
(page load times, requests/second, etc.)?


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