I guess you are surprised why I want to set the small chunk size.

Do you ever see the following example about Chunked Encoding?
29<html><body><p>The file you requested is
bytes long and was last modified:1dSat, 20 Mar 2004 21:12:00 GMT

You must find the chunk size is really small( 29 ,5, 23, 1d), so I consider 
chunk size can be set in Apache.
I don't find where to set the value, but really want to find it.

Could you give a hand? 
Thanks in advance. 

> Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 11:18:56 +0100
> From: uh...@fantomas.sk
> To: users@httpd.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [us...@httpd] Newbie question:How to change chunk size?
> On 18.12.09 16:24, zmerry wrote:
> > When I use Apache and PHP to learn Chunked Transfer Encoding, I found all
> > chunk-size are about 8k bytes. However, I saw some chunk-size are less
> > than 100 bytes in a http tutorial.
> > 
> > I spend lots of time trying to solve the question, but get nothing.
> > 
> > Could you tell me where I can set chunk size in Apache?
> why?
> -- 
> Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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