* Boyle Owen <owen.bo...@six-group.com> [2009-12-15 10:22]:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Justin Pasher [mailto:just...@newmediagateway.com] 
> > (a) Single FQDN, single DocumentRoot - Single IP.
> > (b) Multiple FQDN, single DocumentRoot - Single IP, assuming cert 
> > supports all (sub)domains listed. Otherwise Multiple IP
> > (c) Multiple FQDN, multiple DocumentRoot - Multiple IP addresses (one 
> > for each FQDN)
> Why is no-one mentioning the SubjectAltName solution
> (http://marc.info/?l=apache-httpd-users&m=125889530300657&w=2)? Does it
> not really work or is no-one actually using it?

Because I'm tired of constantly repeating myself ;)

But I guess it'S actually contained in variant (b) listed above, since
all hostnames are listed in a single certificate. Just not using
wildcard certs (which our CA-contract does not allow, btw).

And yes, this works just fine (we're stuffing as many vhosts into a
cert as the CA allows and split off a new IP/certificate once that

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