On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Daniel Reinhardt
<crypto...@cryptodan.net> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Daniel Reinhardt
>> <crypto...@cryptodan.net> wrote:
>>> Jeff,
>>> I have done the below with --disable-ipv6 in my configure options, but it
>>> still builds it with IPv6 Enabled.
>>> On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 12:43 AM, Daniel Reinhardt
>>> <crypto...@cryptodan.net> wrote:
>>>> How would I tell apr to leave out IPv6 when compiling?
>>> Add --disable-ipv6 to your configure options.
>>> Hint: ./configure --help (and srclib/apr/configure --help if using
>>> bundled
>>> APR)
>> I guess you're building with the system APR instead of the APR bundled
>> with httpd.  (httpd picks up IPv6 settings from the APR it uses.)
>> Confirm that srclib/apr/include/apr.h did not get created, meaning
>> that you are using the system APR.
>> To build the bundled APR with httpd, allowing you to disable IPv6 in
>> APR, add --with-included-apr to your existing configure options
>> (including --disable-ipv6).
>> If you have third-party modules you use with httpd, it would be best
>> to recompile them to pick up the new APR setting.
> These are my configure options:
> ./configure --bindir=/usr/bin --sysconfdir=/etc/apache2 --enable-so
> --with-program-name=apache2 --enable-userdir=shared --enable-deflate=shared
> --enable-speling=shared --enable-include=shared --enable-rewrite=shared
> --enable-cgid=shared  --enable-info=shared --enable-suexec=shared
> --enable-unique-id=shared --enable-usertrack=shared --enable-expires=shared
> --enable-cern-meta=shared --enable-mime-magic=shared --enable-headers=shared
> --enable-auth-dbm=shared --enable-cgi=shared --enable-asis=shared
> --enable-auth-digest=shared --enable-actions=shared
> --enable-file-cache=shared --enable-cache=shared --enable-disk-cache=shared
> --enable-mem-cache=shared --enable-ssl=shared --sbindir=/usr/sbin
> --with-included-apr --disable-ipv6
> Yet when I go to http://server/server-info I see the following:
> Server Built With:
> -D APACHE_MPM_DIR="server/mpm/prefork"
> -------------> -D APR_HAVE_IPV6 (IPv4-mapped addresses enabled)

dunno; what does "grep IPV6 srclib/apr/include/apr.h" show?

> As I do not have IPv6 installed in the kernel.

httpd figures out what to do based on system configuration

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