Peter: Well, I'm an intern so I'm supposed to be "learning"..or something

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 1:00 PM, Peter Schober <>wrote:

> * Robert Schenck <> [2009-12-02 12:46]:
> > I have to use Apache, I don't have a choice (says my employer).
> This was just meant as a heads up: depending on the publisher you
> might have to rewrite most everything (URLs, HTML content, Cookies,
> JavaScript, etc.), and every publisher does things differently.
> If your employer really thinks reinventing this poorly is time and
> money well spent (vs. using something that is known to just work),
> then so be it.
> (Not that I actually promote the use of aforementioned product, since
> that will only prolong the misuse of IP-addresses for authorization
> purposes. SAML is the standard way of accessing publisher resources
> online, of course.)
> -peter
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