
You should not need to upgrade Solaris.  I've got apache running on a 
solaris 9 box just fine.

Your "wrong path" shouldn't be a problem either.  Those are just "the last 
place to look" for an .so.  Solaris will use what is in the 'crle' command 
and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable first (I'm not sure of the 

You may or may not have a, depending on how you compiled 
apache.  If you run:

httpd -l (that's an el)

It will list out which modules are compiled in.  If you see mod_ssl.c, you 
will not have a  Otherwise, should normally be in 
your apache's modules subdirectory.

Do you only get the error on Firefox and not IE?


Please respond to

cc:      (bcc: Dan Mitton/YD/RWDOE)
Subject:        Re: [us...@httpd] SSL on Apache 2.2.14
LSN: Not Relevant
User Filed as: Not a Record

Here is the complete command:

openssl s_server -cert /erd/www/erd/server/apache/httpd-2.2.14/ 
installed/conf/ssl.crt/www-erdc.crt -key /erd/www/erd/server/apache/ 
httpd-2.2.14/installed/conf/ssl.key/www-erdc.secureprivate.key - 
CAfile /erd/www/erd/server/apache/httpd-2.2.14/installed/conf/ssl.crt/ 
intermediate.crt -www

Your suggested 'GET / HTTP/1.0\r\r' was successful.

However, I found something interesting doing an ldd -- a few of them 
have wrong paths:

bash-2.05# ldd httpd =>     /usr/lib/ =>     /wrong/path =>         /wrong/path =>         /wrong/path =>  /usr/lib/ =>      /usr/lib/ =>    /usr/lib/ =>        /usr/lib/ =>   /usr/lib/ =>       /usr/lib/ =>    /usr/lib/ =>        /usr/lib/ =>     /usr/lib/ =>   (file not found) =>        /usr/lib/ =>   /usr/lib/ =>   /usr/ucblib/ =>   /usr/lib/ =>   /usr/lib/ =>    /usr/lib/

I wasn't sure where to find -- I could only find mod_ssl.h.

Is there a way to change the links without rebuilding?

Thank you,

On Nov 25, 2009, at 11:21 AM, Sander Temme wrote:

> On Nov 25, 2009, at 10:17 AM, John J. Consolati wrote:
>> Thank you for the reply.
>> Unfortunately, upgrading Solaris isn't an option.  Here is the 
>> version I have to work with (quite old..):
>> bash-2.05# cat /etc/release
>>                       Solaris 9 4/04 s9s_u6wos_08a SPARC
>>          Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
>>                       Use is subject to license terms.
>>                            Assembled 22 March 2004
>> bash-2.05# uname -a
>> SunOS lucky 5.9 Generic_118558-17 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V250
>> I've been using the Sun cc, not gcc, to compile everything.
>> Here is the output from the openSSL commands:
>> openssl -certs....etc etc
> What is your complete command line here?
>> Using default temp DH parameters
>> Using default temp ECDH parameters
>> MO2ne8Ry2DUppChW6xz01mi4gMU+WsyaH6SPREMHpFcSCBYmpX5sD+VVBS3F/Ajy
>> Shared ciphers:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA:AES256-SHA:EDH- 
>> MD5
>> And on the other terminal:
>> bash-2.05$ openssl s_client -connect localhost:4433
>> CONNECTED(00000003)
>> depth=1 /C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=Terms 
>> of use at https://*www.* (c)05/CN=VeriSign Class 3 
>> Secure Server CA
>> verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
>> verify return:0
> That's not a problem, just OpenSSL complaining it can't find the 
> Verisign root cert.  If you happen to have a copy of that (like your 
> browser does) and point openssl s_client to it, it can verify all 
> the way to the top.  This does not impact the connection itself.
>> ---
>> Certificate chain
>> 0 s:/C=US/ST=California/L=Livermore/O=Lawrence Livermore National 
>> Laboratory/OU=Environmental Restoration Division erdc/CN=www- 
>>  i:/C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=Terms of use 
>> at https://*www.* (c)05/CN=VeriSign Class 3 Secure 
>> Server CA
>> 1 s:/C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=Terms of 
>> use at https://*www.* (c)05/CN=VeriSign Class 3 
>> Secure Server CA
>>  i:/C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=Class 3 Public Primary Certification 
>> Authority
>> ---
>> Server certificate
>> certificate hash...
>> -----END CERTIFICATE-----
>> subject=/C=US/ST=California/L=Livermore/O=Lawrence Livermore 
>> National Laboratory/OU=Environmental Restoration Division erdc/ 
>> issuer=/C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=Terms of 
>> use at https://*www.* (c)05/CN=VeriSign Class 3 
>> Secure Server CA
>> ---
>> No client certificate CA names sent
>> ---
>> SSL handshake has read 2973 bytes and written 258 bytes
>> ---
>> New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
>> Server public key is 1024 bit
>> Compression: NONE
>> Expansion: NONE
>> SSL-Session:
>>   Protocol  : TLSv1
>>   Cipher    : DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
>>   Session-ID: 
>> 5DD4E8E2C25AC8C9F25C938E57B608D492EE9ABEE5AA3E128FE91965321E5F6C
>>   Session-ID-ctx:
>>   Master-Key: 
>>   Key-Arg   : None
>>   Start Time: 1259172800
>>   Timeout   : 300 (sec)
>>   Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)
>> ---
>> Looks like there is a problem with one of the certificates, but I'm 
>> not sure how to proceed...
> At this point, you have a valid handshake, and the client and server 
> have exchanged data encrypted and MACed with the session keys.  All 
> is well.  You could type on the command line 'GET / HTTP/1.0\r 
> \r' (two returns) and you'll get the status page generated by 
> openssl s_server -www.*
> This means you have a configuration problem with Apache.  Make sure 
> you're using the ssl and crypto libraries that you think you are by 
> running ldd on the httpd binary and the binary.  While 
> the Solaris build environment usually gets this right by hardcoding 
> the path to the libraries at link time, make sure this is ok at run 
> time.
> Then, make sure your server is configured correctly, and that your 
> SSL virtual host(s) use the correct combination of 
> SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile.
> S.
>> Again, thank you for your help, I appreciate it.
>> Regards,
>> John
>> On Nov 25, 2009, at 10:00 AM, wrote:
>>> This sounds like a Solaris bug.
>>> Make sure you have a recent version of Solaris or the latest patches
>>> installed...
>>> What release/patch level are you using?
>>> Danny
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: "John J. Consolati" <> [mailto:"John J.
>>> Consolati" <>]
>>> Sent: 25 November 2009 17:23
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [us...@httpd] SSL on Apache 2.2.14
>>> Hello,
>>> Hopefully someone will be able to help, as I've been working on this
>>> problem for quite a while and have hit a wall. I'm trying to upgrade
>>> Apache 2.0.47 to 2.2.14, and I need SSL support. Everything seems to
>>> build and compile okay, but when I try to access my site running on
>>> 2.2.14, I get a strange error from Firefox: "Secure connection
>>> failed. An error occurred during a connection to xxxxxx. SSL peer
>>> reports incorrect Message Authentication Code. (Error code:
>>> ssl_error_bad_mac_alert)."
>>> I've tried compiling with OpenSSL 0.9.8L and 0.9.8G with the same
>>> results. This is hosted on a Solaris sparc box. The 2.2.14 server is
>>> utilizing all the same files and SSL certificates as the 2.0.47
>>> server. I've called Verisign; I have valid certificates, but they've
>>> never heard of this error before. If I self-sign a certificate and
>>> test it with the 2.2.14 server, it seems to work (except for the
>>> expected error message regarding self-signed certificates).
>>> Searching on Google has led me to try forcing Apache to compile with
>>> prefork enabled (but it seems to default to that anyway on Solaris).
>>> I've also tried statically linking Apache during compile with the 
>>> same
>>> results.
>>> If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I'd very much appreciate 
>>> them...
>>> Thank you,
>>> John
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> -- 
> Sander Temme
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