I am having a serious problem with my site running out of memory.  apache is 
leaking memory/processes.

I have half a dozen virtual hosts, but relatively light traffic, around 40,000 
accesses per day (that includes all files on all hosts), so on the order of 1 
access per second average.

Currently my 512MB slicehost slice (1GB swap) starts off at about 100MB used, 
and then grows over a few days to fill RAM and start using swap, at which point 
I restart apache and the process repeats.

However I have a release coming up, and that will increase the traffic 
substantially for a short period of time, and its imperative that the site 
doesn't go down.

Most of my pages are plain pages, but some of them are mod_perl perl pages.

I disabled most modules, remaining are only:  authz_host   dir   headers   mime 
  negotiation   rewrite   status   env   perl

More server stats are below if they are useful.

The problem appears to be that the worker processes get caught in a read and 
never finish and never die.

root     19962  0.0  8.3 193708 43948 ?        Ss   Nov19   0:21 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start
www-data 21837  0.1 13.6 527656 71404 ?        Sl   03:12   0:08 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start
www-data 21995  0.0 13.9 904004 73204 ?        Sl   04:49   0:01 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start
www-data 22023  0.0 14.0 773972 73880 ?        Sl   04:50   0:01 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start
www-data 22046  0.0 14.1 831076 74160 ?        Sl   04:50   0:01 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start
www-data 22079  0.0 13.5 837788 71104 ?        Sl   04:50   0:00 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start

If I can't find an answer, I'm going to have to do something desperate, like 
switch to nginx, which entails rewriting all my mod_perl pages at fastcgi 
pages, which will take a lot of effort.

What am I missing?

Lots of server stats follow.


Apache Server Status for www.stairways.com

Server Version: Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0
Server Built: Jul 14 2009 20:40:18
Current Time: Friday, 20-Nov-2009 05:25:34 UTC
Restart Time: Thursday, 19-Nov-2009 02:39:50 UTC
Parent Server Generation: 0
Server uptime: 1 day 2 hours 45 minutes 44 seconds
Total accesses: 39589 - Total Traffic: 1.3 GB
CPU Usage: u11.96 s1.79 cu0 cs0 - .0143% CPU load
.411 requests/sec - 13.7 kB/second - 33.4 kB/request
42 requests currently being processed, 58 idle workers
Scoreboard Key:
"_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request,
"W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup,
"C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing,
"I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process

Srv     PID     Acc     M       CPU     SS      Req     Conn    Child   Slot    
Client  VHost   Request
0-0     21837   0/40/684        R       4.39    2120    32      0.0     0.45    
16.35   ?       ?       ..reading..
0-0     21837   0/39/812        R       4.38    2120    4       0.0     0.43    
18.44   ?       ?       ..reading..
0-0     21837   0/43/864        _       5.08    0       12      0.0     2.35    
33.86   x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET 
0-0     21837   0/37/715        R       4.39    2120    32      0.0     3.97    
22.63   ?       ?       ..reading..
0-0     21837   0/36/541        _       5.07    131     0       0.0     0.29    
25.28   x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /img/title-bg.jpg HTTP/1.1
0-0     21837   0/47/592        _       5.06    383     12      0.0     0.71    
11.08   x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET /articles/tshirts.html HTTP/1.1
0-0     21837   0/37/598        _       5.06    240     8       0.0     1.18    
14.41   x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /main/index HTTP/1.1
0-0     21837   0/55/517        _       5.06    164     0       0.0     1.38    
16.09   x.x.x.x slice.peter.com.au      GET / HTTP/1.1
0-0     21837   0/47/573        _       5.06    358     12      0.0     1.48    
22.09   x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET /articles/3rd-birthday-party.html 
0-0     21837   0/47/686        _       5.07    69      0       0.0     0.83    
19.77   x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET /styles/downtown.css HTTP/1.1
0-0     21837   0/51/626        _       5.07    131     0       0.0     3.24    
14.27   x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /img/box-bg.png HTTP/1.1
0-0     21837   0/48/492        _       5.06    209     0       0.0     1.53    
12.46   x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /main/index HTTP/1.1
0-0     21837   0/40/545        _       5.07    119     8       0.0     1.03    
15.68   x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /blog/rss.xml HTTP/1.1
0-0     21837   0/38/463        R       4.38    2120    0       0.0     0.58    
12.61   ?       ?       ..reading..
0-0     21837   0/59/531        _       5.07    38      0       0.0     2.55    
24.37   x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.0
0-0     21837   0/41/748        _       5.06    371     0       0.0     1.20    
13.39   x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET /articles/nanny.html HTTP/1.1
0-0     21837   0/39/528        _       5.06    172     0       0.0     0.82    
18.76   x.x.x.x slice.peter.com.au      GET / HTTP/1.1
0-0     21837   0/37/621        R       4.38    2120    4       0.0     0.59    
14.62   ?       ?       ..reading..
0-0     21837   0/68/684        _       5.06    141     12      0.0     0.27    
14.87   x.x.x.x www.sungroper.asn.au    GET 
0-0     21837   0/32/579        R       4.39    2120    32      0.0     0.80    
23.05   ?       ?       ..reading..
0-0     21837   0/44/886        R       4.39    2119    0       0.0     0.37    
14.49   ?       ?       ..reading..
0-0     21837   0/44/630        _       5.06    219     32      0.0     1.07    
39.68   x.x.x.x www.williamdawes.com    GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
0-0     21837   0/36/654        R       4.39    2120    36      0.0     0.40    
14.39   ?       ?       ..reading..
0-0     21837   0/46/638        _       5.06    341     0       0.0     0.65    
16.00   x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET /articles/pantograph.html HTTP/1.1
0-0     21837   0/41/697        R       4.39    2120    36      0.0     1.23    
14.10   ?       ?       ..reading..
1-0     -       0/0/490 .       4.38    2110    0       0.0     0.00    13.16   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/385 .       4.33    2110    0       0.0     0.00    14.40   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/444 .       4.59    2110    4       0.0     0.00    28.01   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/439 .       4.59    2110    0       0.0     0.00    9.25    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/355 .       4.46    2110    16      0.0     0.00    41.68   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
/photos/thumbs/2001-11-25-Race-Day-8_14-Living-Room.jpg HTT
1-0     -       0/0/352 .       4.26    2110    4       0.0     0.00    9.74    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/481 .       4.38    2110    4       0.0     0.00    18.87   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
/photos/thumbs/2001-11-27-Parade-Day_44-Pub-Crowd.jpg HTTP/
1-0     -       0/0/392 .       4.44    2110    0       0.0     0.00    15.70   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/450 .       4.54    2110    4       0.0     0.00    10.83   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/474 .       4.44    2110    4       0.0     0.00    18.92   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
/photos/thumbs/2001-11-24-Race-Day-7_57-Cooberpedy.jpg HTTP
1-0     -       0/0/465 .       4.38    2110    0       0.0     0.00    14.43   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/443 .       4.29    2110    28      0.0     0.00    39.75   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/367 .       4.39    2110    0       0.0     0.00    8.03    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/333 .       4.38    2110    0       0.0     0.00    22.76   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/481 .       4.59    2110    4       0.0     0.00    20.59   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/484 .       4.59    2110    0       0.0     0.00    12.06   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/517 .       4.29    2110    32      0.0     0.00    11.96   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/499 .       4.26    2110    0       0.0     0.00    22.14   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/508 .       4.38    2110    0       0.0     0.00    12.90   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/581 .       4.59    2110    0       0.0     0.00    18.00   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/597 .       4.29    2110    24      0.0     0.00    24.12   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/482 .       4.58    2110    0       0.0     0.00    10.63   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
/photos/thumbs/2001-11-24-Race-Day-7_50-Space-thingy.jpg HT
1-0     -       0/0/556 .       4.53    2110    0       0.0     0.00    17.22   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
/photos/thumbs/2001-11-26-Race-Day-9_09-Scrutineering.jpg H
1-0     -       0/0/545 .       4.59    2110    0       0.0     0.00    9.29    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
1-0     -       0/0/379 .       4.59    2110    4       0.0     0.00    12.16   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
2-0     21995   0/12/494        _       0.79    42      0       0.0     0.49    
16.39   x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /img/title-bg.jpg HTTP/1.1
2-0     21995   0/8/503 _       0.71    130     0       0.0     0.03    10.83   
x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /main/index HTTP/1.1
2-0     21995   0/8/435 W       0.71    0       0       0.0     0.02    12.95   
x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /server-status HTTP/1.1
2-0     21995   0/17/391        _       0.80    34      0       0.0     0.87    
22.02   x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET 
/img/frames/setup-textedit-recording-example.png HTTP/1.1
2-0     21995   0/21/550        _       0.80    34      0       0.0     0.07    
8.29    x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /img/box-bg.png HTTP/1.1
2-0     21995   0/12/330        _       0.71    132     0       0.0     0.13    
39.21   x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1
2-0     21995   0/10/472        _       0.71    166     12      0.0     0.06    
7.57    x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET 
2-0     21995   0/10/572        _       0.71    131     604     0.0     0.13    
18.40   x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET 
/img/frames/save-to-clippings-tutorial.png HTTP/1.1
2-0     21995   0/10/293        _       0.71    138     0       0.0     0.11    
17.67   x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /programming/ HTTP/1.1
2-0     21995   0/12/694        _       0.84    38      196     0.0     0.09    
10.16   x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /blog/2007-11-03-leopard-dock 
2-0     21995   0/12/685        _       0.71    219     0       0.0     0.09    
16.44   x.x.x.x www.williamdawes.com    GET / HTTP/1.1
2-0     21995   0/8/449 _       0.71    179     4       0.0     0.12    16.65   
x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /server-status HTTP/1.1
2-0     21995   0/0/802 R       1.92    2134    20      0.0     0.00    15.43   
?       ?       ..reading..
2-0     21995   0/8/500 _       0.79    84      1528    0.0     0.09    15.62   
x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /blog/rss.xml?full HTTP/1.1
2-0     21995   0/0/332 R       1.95    2134    16      0.0     0.00    12.70   
?       ?       ..reading..
2-0     21995   0/0/678 R       1.95    2134    12      0.0     0.00    13.89   
?       ?       ..reading..
2-0     21995   0/0/300 R       1.96    2134    12      0.0     0.00    4.86    
?       ?       ..reading..
2-0     21995   0/0/466 R       1.97    2134    12      0.0     0.00    10.76   
?       ?       ..reading..
2-0     21995   0/13/547        _       0.80    34      0       0.0     0.06    
12.04   x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET 
/img/frames/record-quick-macro-example.png HTTP/1.1
2-0     21995   0/0/343 R       2.01    2134    16      0.0     0.00    16.30   
?       ?       ..reading..
2-0     21995   0/0/356 R       2.02    2134    12      0.0     0.00    13.36   
?       ?       ..reading..
2-0     21995   0/0/469 R       2.02    2134    12      0.0     0.00    21.06   
?       ?       ..reading..
2-0     21995   0/0/474 R       2.05    2134    60      0.0     0.00    11.78   
?       ?       ..reading..
2-0     21995   0/0/355 R       2.07    2134    16      0.0     0.00    10.56   
?       ?       ..reading..
2-0     21995   0/0/426 R       2.08    2134    16      0.0     0.00    25.40   
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     22023   0/13/13 _       0.80    34      0       0.0     0.06    0.06    
x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /img/frames/save-to-clippings-tutorial.png 
3-0     22023   0/12/12 _       0.80    34      0       0.0     0.07    0.07    
x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /img/title-bg.jpg HTTP/1.1
3-0     22023   0/10/10 _       0.71    131     556     0.0     0.60    0.60    
x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /img/frames/configuration.png HTTP/1.1
3-0     22023   0/5/5   _       0.70    352     24      0.0     0.08    0.08    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET /articles/honda-accord.html HTTP/1.1
3-0     22023   0/10/10 _       0.71    130     4       0.0     0.15    0.15    
x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1
3-0     22023   0/6/6   _       0.79    115     208     0.0     3.79    3.79    
x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /blog/rss.xml?full HTTP/1.1
3-0     22023   0/1/1   R       0.22    2126    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     22023   0/1/1   R       0.22    2126    4       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     22023   0/1/1   R       0.21    2126    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     22023   0/4/4   _       0.70    389     0       0.0     0.05    0.05    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET /articles/tshirts.html HTTP/1.1
3-0     22023   0/9/9   _       0.71    131     588     0.0     0.70    0.70    
x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /img/frames/create-a-simple-macro.png 
3-0     22023   0/4/4   _       0.70    365     4       0.0     0.02    0.02    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET /articles/gingerbread-house.html HTTP/1.1
3-0     22023   0/1/1   R       0.22    2126    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     22023   0/1/1   R       0.22    2126    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     22023   0/7/7   _       0.80    0       12      0.0     2.88    2.88    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
/photos/photos/2002-12-19-Amy-Monica_01-Amy-Monica.jpg HTTP
3-0     22023   0/1/1   R       0.22    2126    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     22023   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     22023   0/7/7   _       0.70    334     12      0.0     0.14    0.14    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET /articles/housebuying.html HTTP/1.1
3-0     22023   0/5/5   _       0.71    231     0       0.0     0.05    0.05    
x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /documentation/3/whatsnew HTTP/1.1
3-0     22023   0/5/5   _       0.71    190     92      0.0     0.04    0.04    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET /articles/pantograph-images/arms.png 
3-0     22023   0/5/5   _       0.80    38      0       0.0     0.01    0.01    
x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.0
3-0     22023   0/5/5   _       0.71    219     0       0.0     0.02    0.02    
x.x.x.x williamdawes.com        GET / HTTP/1.1
3-0     22023   0/4/4   _       0.71    156     0       0.0     0.08    0.08    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET /styles/downtown.css HTTP/1.1
3-0     22023   0/4/4   _       0.71    171     0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1
3-0     22023   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
4-0     22046   0/13/13 _       0.78    131     548     0.0     0.22    0.22    
x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /img/frames/overview.png HTTP/1.1
4-0     22046   0/34/34 _       0.78    122     0       0.0     0.50    0.50    
x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /documentation/3/whatsnew HTTP/1.1
4-0     22046   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
4-0     22046   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
4-0     22046   0/8/8   _       0.78    265     4       0.0     0.02    0.02    
x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /action/store HTTP/1.1
4-0     22046   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
4-0     22046   0/7/7   _       0.84    35      0       0.0     0.04    0.04    
x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /css/blog.css HTTP/1.0
4-0     22046   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
4-0     22046   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
4-0     22046   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
4-0     22046   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
4-0     22046   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
4-0     22046   0/9/9   _       0.78    131     0       0.0     0.63    0.63    
x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /img/frames/record-quick-macro-example.png 
4-0     22046   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
4-0     22046   0/7/7   _       0.78    150     3264    0.0     0.15    0.15    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET /styles/perth_header.jpg HTTP/1.1
4-0     22046   0/6/6   _       0.78    138     0       0.0     0.10    0.10    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET /articles/pantograph-images/pencil.png 
4-0     22046   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
4-0     22046   0/8/8   _       0.78    211     0       0.0     0.06    0.06    
x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET 
/blog/rss-2008-05-13-microsoft-office-vba.xml HTTP/1.1
4-0     22046   0/6/6   _       0.78    219     0       0.0     0.02    0.02    
x.x.x.x www.williamdawes.com    GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.1
4-0     22046   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
4-0     22046   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
4-0     22046   0/15/15 _       0.84    80      228     0.0     0.09    0.09    
x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /blog/index HTTP/1.0
4-0     22046   0/0/0   R       0.00    2133    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
4-0     22046   0/8/8   _       0.78    182     0       0.0     0.10    0.10    
x.x.x.x slice.peter.com.au      GET / HTTP/1.1
4-0     22046   0/9/9   _       0.84    34      0       0.0     0.19    0.19    
x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /img/frames/configuration.png HTTP/1.1
5-0     -       0/0/2   .       0.24    2112    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
5-0     -       0/0/2   .       0.24    2112    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
5-0     -       0/0/2   .       0.24    2112    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
/photos/thumbs/2001-11-27-Parade-Day_12-or-not.jpg HTTP/1.1
5-0     -       0/0/2   .       0.31    2112    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
5-0     -       0/0/2   .       0.36    2112    4       0.0     0.00    0.00    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
/photos/thumbs/2001-11-27-Parade-Day_11-Off-on-parade.jpg H
5-0     -       0/0/2   .       0.36    2112    0       0.0     0.00    0.01    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
5-0     -       0/0/1   .       0.36    2112    8       0.0     0.00    0.00    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
/photos/thumbs/2001-11-21-Race-Day-4_20-Clever-Rock.jpg HTT
5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    2132    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
5-0     -       0/0/2   .       0.36    2112    0       0.0     0.00    0.01    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
5-0     -       0/0/1   .       0.36    2112    12      0.0     0.00    0.00    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    2132    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    2132    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    2132    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
5-0     -       0/0/1   .       0.36    2112    8       0.0     0.00    0.00    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
5-0     -       0/0/1   .       0.36    2112    12      0.0     0.00    0.00    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    2132    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    2132    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
5-0     -       0/0/1   .       0.36    2112    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    2132    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    2132    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    2132    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    2132    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    2132    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    2132    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    2132    0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
Srv     Child Server number - generation
PID     OS process ID
Acc     Number of accesses this connection / this child / this slot
M       Mode of operation
CPU     CPU usage, number of seconds
SS      Seconds since beginning of most recent request
Req     Milliseconds required to process most recent request
Conn    Kilobytes transferred this connection
Child   Megabytes transferred this child
Slot    Total megabytes transferred this slot
Apache/2.2.9 Server at www.stairways.com Port 80
Timeout 45
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 5

<IfModule mpm_worker_module>
    StartServers          2
    MaxClients          150
    MinSpareThreads      25
    MaxSpareThreads      75 
    ThreadsPerChild      25
    MaxRequestsPerChild   1000

slice:/etc/apache2# /usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -l
Compiled in modules:

 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -M
Loaded Modules:
 core_module (static)
 log_config_module (static)
 logio_module (static)
 mpm_worker_module (static)
 http_module (static)
 so_module (static)
 authz_host_module (shared)
 dir_module (shared)
 env_module (shared)
 headers_module (shared)
 mime_module (shared)
 negotiation_module (shared)
 perl_module (shared)
 rewrite_module (shared)
 status_module (shared)

slice:/etc/apache2# /usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -V
Server version: Apache/2.2.9 (Debian)
Server built:   Jul 14 2009 20:40:18
Server's Module Magic Number: 20051115:15
Server loaded:  APR 1.2.12, APR-Util 1.2.12
Compiled using: APR 1.2.12, APR-Util 1.2.12
Architecture:   64-bit
Server MPM:     Worker
  threaded:     yes (fixed thread count)
    forked:     yes (variable process count)
Server compiled with....
 -D APACHE_MPM_DIR="server/mpm/worker"
 -D APR_HAVE_IPV6 (IPv4-mapped addresses enabled)
 -D SUEXEC_BIN="/usr/lib/apache2/suexec"
 -D DEFAULT_PIDLOG="/var/run/apache2.pid"
 -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD="logs/apache_runtime_status"
 -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG="logs/error_log"
 -D AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/apache2/mime.types"
 -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf"

     Clipboard Switching and Macros with Keyboard Maestro

Keyboard Maestro <http://www.keyboardmaestro.com/> Macros for your Mac
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