On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Diego, Emil <edi...@exchange.sba.miami.edu>wrote:
> There are some sections of the site that I wanted to setup aliases for so > when you browse to www.bus.miami.edu/businessmiami/, > www.bus.miami.edu/inthenews/ and www.bus.miami.edu/embapr/ you > automatically get redirected to the specified page. > > RedirectMatch /businessmiami(/|$) " > http://www.bus.miami.edu/news-and-media/publications/busmiami/index.html" > RedirectMatch /inthenews(/|$) " > http://www.bus.miami.edu/news-and-media/in-the-news/index.html" > RedirectMatch /embapr(/|$) " > http://www.bus.miami.edu/graduate-programs/executive-mba/emba-off-campus/puerto-rico/index.html > " > > I encountered a problem where I had an image in a folder > /_assets/images/businessmiami/cover.jpg. The web page wouldn’t load the > image because the link was getting redirected because of the RedirectMatch. > I’m not sure why it’s not working correctly. Anyone have any suggestions. > > Thanks, > Emil Diego > http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_alias.html#redirectmatch Your image matches the first regexp. If you mean "^/businessmiami(/|)$", then you need to say so! Cheers Tom