Folks; being into trying to extract meaningful information off an apache 2.2 access.log / error.log, I wonder whether there is a straightforward way here of setting up logging so that only requests resulting in an HTTP STATE == 40x or 5xx will be logged. Looking at access.log I see that the information (state = "200" in most cases which seems good :) ) is generally there, but so far I failed figuring out how to exclude unwanted logging output (i.e. any requests ending in a state 200 or 30x). Playing with log level settings in apache2.conf doesn't seem to do the trick. Can any enlightened soul help me through this? Will SetEnvIf do what I want here?
TIA and all the best, Kristian --------------------------------------------------------------------- The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project. See <URL:> for more info. To unsubscribe, e-mail: " from the digest: For additional commands, e-mail: