Hi, apache 2.2.8
Maybe I'm not understanding the purpose of mod_disk_cache: I'd like to cache content for ALL users of a website - not just for a single user and browser. I've noticed that this is not the case with different browsers.
For example: Using Firefox (FF) and browsing to abc.com/index.php?a=1 - caches as expected. - browsing to the same page with FF serves up the cached page as expected. Using Chrome and browsing to the same page: abc.com/index.php?a=1- does *not* serve up the previously cached page, instead mod_disk_cache stores a fresh copy for future caching...
Config: ------- CacheIgnoreNoLastMod On CacheIgnoreCacheControl On # for testing CacheStoreNoStore On CacheStorePrivate On CacheIgnoreHeaders Set-Cookie CacheMaxExpire 86400 CacheLastModifiedFactor 10 CacheDefaultExpire 86400 ...btw, I've also noticed that abc.com/?a=1 is never cached (ie, missing the default page: index.php). Any way to get that to be cached?
Thanks Henry
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