Van: "Eric Covener" <>
Verzonden: Dinsdag 11 augustus 2009 13:17:23 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlijn / 
Bern / Rome / Stockholm / Wenen
Onderwerp: Re: [us...@httpd] Strange problem - Apache httpd 2.2.11 on Solaris 
10  sparc

Can you find the processes using high cpu and post the unique parts of
pstack output?
Eric Covener


Here's the pstack output of a process consuming high cpu.
# cat pstack.28625
28625:  /usr/local/apache2/bestelxl/bin/httpd -f /usr/local/apache2/bestelxl/c
-----------------  lwp# 1 / thread# 1  --------------------
 fefcaa84 lwp_wait (5, ffbff644)
 fefc391c _thrp_join (5, 0, ffbff6ac, 1, ffbff644, ff043800) + 34
 ff1fe70c apr_thread_join (ffbff72c, 13d7f0, 2, 0, ff043800, 856a0) + c
 00068964 join_workers (8, 187d90, 684f4, 13d5a8, 0, 1) + ec
 00068cb8 child_main (2, 67844, 0, ff158000, ff043800, ff332a00) + 270
 00068e98 make_child (9b000, 2, 0, 9c000, 9a800, 9bc00) + 128
 000696c0 ap_mpm_run (feb80178, 16, 0, 16, 1, 40) + 738
 00029490 main     (a6b60, 99000, 9b000, 9b000, 9b000, 0) + 76c
 00028764 _start   (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 5c
-----------------  lwp# 5 / thread# 5  --------------------
 fee5c4fc _ZN27WpiWebServerApacheConnector4ReadEPcPm (253038, 26f898, fe5fa92c, 
fee45c90, ff03e3c0, ff0485b8) + 8
 fee5c2fc _ZN27WpiWebServerApacheConnector7ReadAllEPPcPm (253038, 26f898, 
fe5fa92c, 2, 80808000, 0) + 1e8
 fee45c90 _ZN13WpiWebRequest7ExecuteEv (0, 4, fee91edc, 1ffb98, e9ba0, 
fe5faee4) + 1a44
(0, 253038, e9ba0, 207749, ff000000, ff0000) + 6dc
 fee4a69c _ZN16WpiSystemManager17ProcessWebRequestEP21WpiWebServerConnector 
(ffffffff, 207740, 3, 1878e8, 80808080, 1010101) + 394
 fee5b0f8 ???????? (ffffffff, 7a400, fee91ef0, 2060a0, 9b344, 9)
 0003c034 ap_run_handler (2060a0, 2, 4, 2060a0, 233d28, 235a40) + 3c
 0003c4b0 ap_invoke_handler (2060a0, 7a400, 2060a0, 9bc00, 9bb78, 181b78) + b8
 00053f84 ap_process_request (2060a0, 2, 4, 2060a0, 233d28, 235a40) + 160
 00051124 ap_process_http_connection (233d30, 2, 0, 9bc00, 9bb78, 181b78) + 10c
 000426f0 ap_run_process_connection (233d30, 233a80, 233a80, 82, 233d28, 
235a40) + 3c
 00068444 worker_thread (13d7f0, 2, 0, 9bc00, 9bc00, 8) + 20c
 ff1fe5d4 dummy_worker (13d7f0, fe5fc000, 0, 0, ff1fe5c8, 1) + c
 fefc6d4c _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 6 / thread# 6  --------------------
 ff1fe5c8 dummy_worker(), exit value = 0x00000000
        ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **
-----------------  lwp# 7 / thread# 7  --------------------
 fee5c54c _ZN27WpiWebServerApacheConnector4ReadEPcPm (1fd338, 26eeb8, fe3fa92c, 
fee45c90, ff03e3c0, ff0485b8) + 58
 fee5c2fc _ZN27WpiWebServerApacheConnector7ReadAllEPPcPm (1fd338, 26eeb8, 
fe3fa92c, 2, 80808000, 0) + 1e8
 fee45c90 _ZN13WpiWebRequest7ExecuteEv (0, 4, fee91edc, e9b58, e9bd0, fe3faee4) 
+ 1a44
(0, 1fd338, e9bd0, 2a7b11, ff000000, ff0000) + 6dc
 fee4a69c _ZN16WpiSystemManager17ProcessWebRequestEP21WpiWebServerConnector 
(ffffffff, 2a7b08, 3, 1878e8, 80808080, 1010101) + 394
 fee5b0f8 ???????? (ffffffff, 7a400, fee91ef0, 2a6468, 9b344, 9)
 0003c034 ap_run_handler (2a6468, 4, 4, 2a6468, 21ad20, 2a0410) + 3c
 0003c4b0 ap_invoke_handler (2a6468, 7a400, 2a6468, 9bc00, 9bb78, 181b78) + b8
 00053f84 ap_process_request (2a6468, 4, 4, 2a6468, 21ad20, 2a0410) + 160
 00051124 ap_process_http_connection (21ad28, 2, 0, 9bc00, 9bb78, 181b78) + 10c
 000426f0 ap_run_process_connection (21ad28, 21aa78, 21aa78, 84, 21ad20, 
2a0410) + 3c
 00068444 worker_thread (13d830, 2, 0, 9bc00, 9bc00, 10) + 20c
 ff1fe5d4 dummy_worker (13d830, fe3fc000, 0, 0, ff1fe5c8, 1) + c
 fefc6d4c _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 8 / thread# 8  --------------------
 ff1fe5c8 dummy_worker(), exit value = 0x00000000
        ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **
-----------------  lwp# 9 / thread# 9  --------------------
 ff1fe5c8 dummy_worker(), exit value = 0x00000000
        ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **
-----------------  lwp# 10 / thread# 10  --------------------
 fee5c4f4 _ZN27WpiWebServerApacheConnector4ReadEPcPm (233990, 26c250, fe0fa92c, 
2, 80808000, 0)
 fee45c90 _ZN13WpiWebRequest7ExecuteEv (0, 4, fee91edc, 1ffb38, e9c00, 
fe0faee4) + 1a44
(0, 233990, e9c00, 1b8b71, ff000000, ff0000) + 6dc
 fee4a69c _ZN16WpiSystemManager17ProcessWebRequestEP21WpiWebServerConnector 
(ffffffff, 1b8b68, 3, 1878e8, 80808080, 1010101) + 394
 fee5b0f8 ???????? (ffffffff, 7a400, fee91ef0, 1b74c8, 9b344, 9)
 0003c034 ap_run_handler (1b74c8, 7, 4, 1b74c8, 1a7738, 1b3478) + 3c
 0003c4b0 ap_invoke_handler (1b74c8, 7a400, 1b74c8, 9bc00, 9bb78, 181b78) + b8
 00053f84 ap_process_request (1b74c8, 7, 4, 1b74c8, 1a7738, 1b3478) + 160
 00051124 ap_process_http_connection (1a7740, 2, 0, 9bc00, 9bb78, 181b78) + 10c
 000426f0 ap_run_process_connection (1a7740, 1a7490, 1a7490, 87, 1a7738, 
1b3478) + 3c
 00068444 worker_thread (13d890, 2, 0, 9bc00, 9bc00, 1c) + 20c
 ff1fe5d4 dummy_worker (13d890, fe0fc000, 0, 0, ff1fe5c8, 1) + c
 fefc6d4c _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 11 / thread# 11  --------------------
 ff1fe5c8 dummy_worker(), exit value = 0x00000000
        ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **
-----------------  lwp# 12 / thread# 12  --------------------
 ff1fe5c8 dummy_worker(), exit value = 0x00000000
        ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **
-----------------  lwp# 13 / thread# 13  --------------------
 ff1fe5c8 dummy_worker(), exit value = 0x00000000
        ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **
-----------------  lwp# 14 / thread# 14  --------------------
 ff1fe5c8 dummy_worker(), exit value = 0x00000000
        ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **
-----------------  lwp# 15 / thread# 15  --------------------
 ff1fe5c8 dummy_worker(), exit value = 0x00000000
        ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **
-----------------  lwp# 16 / thread# 16  --------------------
 ff1fe5c8 dummy_worker(), exit value = 0x00000000
        ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **
-----------------  lwp# 17 / thread# 17  --------------------
 ff1fe5c8 dummy_worker(), exit value = 0x00000000
        ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **
-----------------  lwp# 18 / thread# 18  --------------------
 ff1fe5c8 dummy_worker(), exit value = 0x00000000
        ** zombie (exited, not detached, not yet joined) **

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