Hi all,

I have 2 debian web servers - live and dev.  They are, as much as I can make
them, identical.  They both have vhosts and use SSL (which is not used for
authentication, just encryption).

I created a self-signed wildcard certificates for both servers using des3.
The dev server runs fine with it's certificate, but the live server fails
with the following error in the logs:

[error] Oops, no RSA or DSA server certificate found for 'vhost.server.com:0

If I use a self-signed wildcard certificate created without des3, the live
server works fine.  Or, if I only have 1 vhost enabled with the des3
self-signed wildcard certificate, it works fine.  it's just the combination
of the des3 self-signed wildcard certificate and multiple vhosts  that
causes apache to die on a restart.  And only on the one server - not the

Any ideas?

Greg Coit
System Administrator

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