For example, the standard script comes with the following:



while (<S>) {

$requests=$1 if ( m|^BusyWorkers:\ (\S+)|);

$idle=$1 if ( m|^IdleWorkers:\ (\S+)|);

$number=$1 if ( m|Total Accesses:\ (\S+)|);

$cpu=$1 if (m|^CPULoad:\ (\S+)|);


        print OUT "$time,$requests,$idle,$number,$cpu\n";



I modified this to get the following data:


while (<S>) {

                $accesses=$1 if ( m|^Total Accesses:\ (\S+)|);

                $kbytes=$1 if ( m|^Total kBytes:\ (\S+)|);

                $cpuload=$1 if ( m|^CPULoad:\ (\S+)|);

                $uptime=$1 if ( m|Uptime:\ (\S+)|);

                $reqpersec=$1 if (m|^ReqPerSec:\ (\S+)|);

                $bytespersec=$1 if (m|^BytesPerSec:\ (\S+)|);

                $bytesperreq=$1 if (m|^BytesPerReq:\ (\S+)|);

                $busyworkers=$1 if (m|^BusyWorkers:\ (\S+)|);

                $idleworkers=$1 if (m|^IdleWorkers:\ (\S+)|);


        print OUT


So its very useful for seeing if you run out of resources and what your
throughput is looking like.






From: Foster, Stephen (ASPIRE) 
Sent: 08 June 2009 14:22
Subject: RE: [us...@httpd] Information in mod_status to text file


Why not have a look at "log_server_status" , google it..


It's a useful perl script that can be used to connect to the server and
output the metrics into a logfile for then graphing against.


It comes with a very basic set of reports but its quite easy to modify
to collect further fields of information to see what the statistical
behaviour of the webserver is.






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