Hmm. ProxyPass do not let one append a query string and what I want will not
be achievable with mod_proxy.
The other way round is using mod_rewrite, but somehow I am not able to get
the translation happening The below configuration is giving me error. Forum
please advice
<Location /protected>
 AuthType ECOERP::EcoErpAuthLogin
 AuthName ECOERP
 PerlAuthenHandler ECOERP::EcoErpAuthLogin->authenticate
 PerlAuthzHandler ECOERP::EcoErpAuthLogin->authorize
 require valid-user
 RewriteEngine ON
 RewriteRule /protected http://localhost:9999 [P]

How do I read the query string?
I want all URL in the form to proxy to
http://localhost:9999/<from the login form>&password=<from
the login form>

Please help!!!

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 6:41 PM, Atanu <> wrote:

> My setup is Apache 2.x and mod_perl 2.x and
> AuthCookie(Apache-AuthCookie-3.12). I have been able to do a cookie based
> authentication with a (hardcoded) user-name and password  (of course from
> the sample files and configurations) and on authentication success have been
> able to proxy the request to another URL. The question is how do I send
> the username and password parameters to the proxied URL?
> My httpd.conf
> PerlRequire /var/www/html/Sample/
> PerlModule Sample::AuthCookieHandler
> PerlSetVar SamplePath /
> PerlSetVar SampleLoginScript /
> PerlSetVar AuthCookieDebug 3
> <Location /protected>
>  AuthType Sample::AuthCookieHandler
>  AuthName Sample
>  PerlAuthenHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->authenticate
>  PerlAuthzHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->authorize
>  require valid-user
> </Location>
> <FilesMatch "\.pl$">
>  SetHandler perl-script
>  PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
>  Options +ExecCGI
>  AuthType Sample::AuthCookieHandler
>  AuthName Sample
> </FilesMatch>
> # This is the action of the script above.
> <Files  LOGIN>
>  AuthType Sample::AuthCookieHandler
>  AuthName Sample
>  SetHandler perl-script
>  PerlResponseHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->login
> </Files>
> ProxyRequests Off
> ProxyPass /protected
> ProxyPassReverse /protected
> I want to do something like
> ProxyPassReverse /protected<from input
> username>&password=<from input password>
> As suggested in the thread, it could be possible using mod_rewrite, but I
> am not able to get the rewrite rule to work in the first place. Please
> help.
> Thanks,
> Atanu
> On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 4:56 PM, Atanu <> wrote:
>> Thanks Nick for the pointer. Let me try this out in my boxes.
>> On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 4:09 AM, Nick Kew <> wrote:
>>> On 26 May 2009, at 22:37, Atanu wrote:
>>>  - The user will still type This time a mod_proxy
>>>> handler will display a login page. In fact this my own authentication
>>>> handler written in mod_perl. It authenticates using a back end system by
>>>> accepting username and password from the login page.
>>> This is all fairly standard, and you probably don't really need mod_perl.
>>>  I want the mod_proxy to ProxyPass to the url in the following format
>>> Since you're using mod_perl, it would be fairly painless to
>>> append the query string in Perl.  The alternative is to use
>>> RewriteRule with [P] in place of proxypass.
>>> --
>>> Nick Kew
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