Thanks for your thoughts Andre. As I recollect, I think some of the these
errors started cropping up around the time I compiled the python module
numpy on the server. And I think that fortran and a lot of those deadweight
file objects are its children. Perhaps if I scaled by the server to no
longer use that python module, it might reduce the problems.

Are there other modules that look unnecessary to you?

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 12:10 PM, André Warnier <> wrote:

> palewire wrote:
>> For what it's worth, I've taken the additional step of running `lsof |grep
>> httpd > http.dump` and posting it online. My understanding is that this
>> shows all of the httpd open files that are adding up to my high totals.
>> If anyone who understands this better than me has a minute, I'd appreciate
>> whether you could say whether something is out of the ordinary.
>>  I probably don't understand this much better than you, but I will
> nevertheless offer some comments.
> The first thing that comes to mind, is that you probably want to use some
> of the lsof filtering options, so that your list really shows only open
> files on the filesystem.  I have the impression that quite a lot of the
> stuff shown are not really open files, and may not really count against a
> ulimit.
> But then again, my knowledge of lsof is quite limited.
> The second thing I notice, is that you seem to have just about everything
> under the sun running under your Apache, so I'm not so surprised that you
> would have a lot of files open.
> I see things there that make me believe you have stuff running under Apache
> like, at least : python, ldap, sql, kerberos, imaging stuff, geos, fortran,
> xml parsing, and whatnot.
> As good as Apache is, I am sure there is a limit somewhere as to what one
> poor server can take as abuse.
> You might want to look around your "LoadModule" directives, and check what
> you really need.
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