The error log is empty! Is there some sort of limit put on number of requests 
allowed from external host? I just tried

ab -n 100000 -c 300 http://localhost/ and it did not show the "drop dead" 
behavior after a certain period of time.

However local benchmarking seems to have a ceiling of its own, once I increase 
the concurrent users to 500 it gives

apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by peer (104)

But at least 500 is a lot higher than 50. I hear apache is capable of serving 
thousands of requests per second, what am I missing?


From: Prasanna Ram Venkatachalam 
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: [us...@httpd] Weird timeout connections during benchmark (apache 
completely stops)?!

Did the error log say something? It surely will have something incase its not 
able to find any resources or breached any limits!

Prasanna Ram

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 5:57 PM, asd asd <> wrote:

  I'm trying to get an accurate request/per second of my apache for different 
pages and for different server options. I am using both ab and siege against 
apache to try to find out how many users can be loading a specific page at a 

  I find that if when concurrent connections are set to anything above 50-100, 
the server will run fine for 5-10 seconds but then completely stops accepting 
new connections after that. All connections from ab and siege returns 
"connection time out". The higher I set the concurrent users, the faster this 
happens. If I set it to 1000, it happens almost immediately. It is as if the 
server has ran out on something. But I am not sure what, ran out of sockets? 
Cpu usageis showing as 2% and plenty of memory. Also this is done over LAN so 
the network is not the limiting factor.

  Surely apache must be able to handle over 100 simultaneous connections at the 
same time? My application will probably have more than 100 users making request 
at the same time.
  Any ideas? What command should I be using with ab/siege to properly probe the 
maximum request/second? 

  PS. so far I am only benching the default page (ie. welcome to apache...)

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