Razi! No luck! So far! But typing in is the only thing that works.
Here is what my ISP told me: "Michael, Your Linksys is on private ip space and needs to be public. You can do 1 of 2 things. 1. switch your Netopia to a bridge and hard code your Public IP info into your Linksys. 2. Do a static Map in your Netopia mapping you public IP to 192.1068.1.2 which is the IP of your Linksys. I am pretty busy with meetings tomorrow but I will try to give you a call and explain. I do want to add that Nemont does not support this and only supports service to your dmarc. I will personally on my own time try to help you out. There is just too much information on servers / networks and we want to focus on providing good internet service. Thank you Derrick" If I knew how to do a static Map in the Netopia modem I would have tried that second option. From: Razi Khaja Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 9:31 PM To: users@httpd.apache.org Subject: Re: [us...@httpd] Re: Help - Name Server - Maybe Hello Michael If you are having trouble accessing the site at http://www.michaelsrogers.com/ from your internal network, try changing the entry in the hosts file to say " www.michaelsrogers.com" with the www. The hostnames with and without the www are completely independent as far as the hosts file is concerned. Adding to your hosts file shouldnt hurt. But try adding this as well in your hosts file localhost michealrogers.com www.michealrogers.com is a special IP number ... this will allow you to see your webpage sitting at your computer running apache using your url www.michaelsrogers.com Try it, let me know if it works. Michael S. Rogers (406) 967-2385 Web Sites: http://www.michaelsrogers.net & http://www.michaelsrogers.net/trainwreck/Wreck.html