
I need to tend to a medical problem first before I work on this more.  That 
should not take me more then 45 minutes to an hour.  meanwhile I would ask you 
to look at advanced routing in the linksys

I also would like to know what goes into the httpd.config file: 

# ServerName gives the name and port that the server uses to identify itself.
# This can often be determined automatically, but we recommend you specify
# it explicitly to prevent problems during startup.
# If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP address here.
#ServerName localhost
  From: Razi Khaja 
  Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 3:54 PM
  To: users@httpd.apache.org 
  Subject: Re: [us...@httpd] Re: Help - Name Server - Maybe

    Mt router is a linksys WRT54G.

  Great! Thats the one I use, so this should be easy.  

  First determine the ip number of the computer running the apache web server 
(your apache server) by running ipconfig \all on the command line.

  Next log in to your router, go to "Applications & Gaming" -> DMZ.  Enable DMZ 
and enter the ip number of your apache server. (We can change this to use port 
forwarding once we know that the DMZ works. Ill help you with that afterwards.)

  This should allow anyone on the internet to see your web page. For now, give 
that a try.

Michael S. Rogers
(406) 967-2385

Web Sites: http://www.michaelsrogers.net & 

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