
Running Apache HTTP Server on port 80.
Have defined 2 virtual hosts on 80/443.
Currently running the apache under root user.
my application url's  are and
I am able to access the url's mentioned above.
Now we have created an id/group as apache/apache and changed the httpd.conf
to run as this user/group.
I would not be using root user to administer apache from now.
So i have changed the Listen port as 9080 and defined Virtual hosts for 9080
and 443.
I tried to access the application using the url's above, but it failed.

Now the question is.

How can I access the application using the same url without mentioning the
port number on the url.
I m not using any firewall here, so I cannot do a port fwd of 80 to 9080.

Is there any configuration which can be done at the Apache, so that I can
run it as non root user and access the url without ports mentioned in it.


Vasanth Kumar Ravi

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