Well, It's very possible you know something I don't, but based on my
understanding on POST, it sounds like you're confused about how it
works. The use case I'm familiar with is to create a cgi script, or a
server side script like PHP that receives the POST data and saves it
to a file. And you're right, it is just like GET, the content of the
URL you specified will be returned by the server. The only difference
I know of between GET and POST is that with GET, the client sends data
encoded in the URL, and with POST, the data is included as the body of
the HTTP request.. That's why post is used for uploading files.

However---and again, this is just my understanding of it---POST is not
intended to just arbitrarily create or change files on the server, you
have to use some server side mechanism (again, a cgi or php or
something) to actually receive the POSTed data and write it to a file.

It sounds like what you may be interested in is some sort of WebDAV
method. This is an extension to the HTTP standard that's meant for
sharing files over an HTTP connection, and it has more powerful
methods than standard HTTP. I'm not sure if it has something you're
looking for, but it might be worth a look.

Hope that helps,

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On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 1:09 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> First of all, sorry for the long mail.  To give a gist of the mail, I want to 
> know how to use the POST method for Apache server without installing Tomcat 
> or anything.
> I have a "Server version: Apache/2.0.54" installed in my system.  I have 
> configured it to act as a server as well as a proxy server; which means the 
> Apache is working fine.
> Now I try to do some configuration so that the Apache server will support 
> uploading of files (i.e. POST method).
> For that I created a folder "public" and the configuration in httpd.conf for 
> the same is as follows:
> <Directory "/var/www/html/public">
>    AllowOverride None
>    Options None
>        Order allow,deny
>        Allow from all
>    </Limit>
> </Directory>
> Then "/etc/init.d/httpd restart".
> Then POST command is executed to create a new file "NotExists.txt" in 
> "/var/www/html/public":
> User  :$> POST "";
> Reply :$> Please enter content (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) to be 
> POSTed:
> User  :$> helloooooooooooooooo
> User  :$> Ctrl D
> Reply :$> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
>          <html><head>
>          <title>404 Not Found</title>
>          </head><body>
>          <h1>Not Found</h1>
>          <p>The requested URL /public/hello.txt was not found on this 
> server.</p>
>          <hr>
>          <address>Apache/2.0.54 (Fedora) Server at Port 80</address>
>          </body></html>
> [
>  "User" is the User Input given by the user.
>  "Reply" is the reply printed out on to the terminal.
> ]
> And in case, the POST is done for a file which already exists in the server, 
> the content of the file is given back (i.e., it behaves as if a GET request 
> is sent!).
> Also, would like to know whether the DELETE method is supported by Apache.  
> If so, what should be the configuration.
> Regards,
> prasanth
> India's first Indian Language Mailing System,Now in a New Look and Feel.Open 
> your FREE e-mail account today!!!
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