whitehorse, canada y tu?

--- El mar, 25/11/08, Jorge Ramirez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
De: Jorge Ramirez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Asunto: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.10 doesnt upgrade
Para: users@httpd.apache.org
Fecha: martes, 25 noviembre, 2008 10:01

no se donde esta instalado por defecto pero te aconsejo ke hagas una busqueda 
de apachectl y deberas de encontrar dos archivos uno para v 1.3y el otro de la 
ver 2.9.    En ke pais y ciudad estas?
From: rocio mejia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 8:38:06 AM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.10 doesnt upgrade

ya entiendo. apachectl es un alias del demonio httpd. pero me he dado cuenta 
que cuando enciendo mi MAC viene por defecto el httpd v. 1.3 , luego yo mato 
ese proceso y uso el apachectl de mi instalacion 2.9. Do you know where can I 
disabled the first loading of httpd v 1.3


--- El sáb, 22/11/08, Jorge Ramirez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
De: Jorge Ramirez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Asunto: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.10 doesnt upgrade
Para: users@httpd.apache.org
Fecha: sábado, 22 noviembre, 2008

 apachectl es un alias de "httpd" necesitas ver donde esta ese archivo.  por 
ejemplo no se usar las MAC OS pero en Linux hay un archivo ejecutable ke se 
llama httpd y si le pongo "httpd start"  ese comando hace ke empiece mi 
programa de apache. en tu caso mecesitas saber en ke carpeta (folder) esta ese 
archivo. Abre el archivo apachectl y lee el programa  y teva a decir donde esta 
ese deamon de "httpd" Cuando instalaste el apache2, recuerdas en ke carpeta 
(folder) lo instalaste? 

From: rocio mejia
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 1:33:57 PM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.10 doesnt upgrade

hola jorge
uso el apachectl command. esta mal?

--- El dom, 16/11/08, Jorge Ramirez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
De: Jorge Ramirez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Asunto: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.10 doesnt upgrade
Para: users@httpd.apache.org
Fecha: domingo, 16 noviembre, 2008 11:15


search for the httpd  file. if you have 2 versions
 of apache, you
 should have 2 httpd files. When you start apache, do you run the apache httpd 
damon or you use the apachectl command?

From: rocio mejia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 4:32:28 PM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.10 doesnt upgrade

It's from Finkproject website what I wrote about MAC versions .
I did check for httpd/apachectl  and , yes, I have more than one but I made 
sure no httpd process    were running and when upgrading apache and pass the 
apache path with ./configure -prefix /sw/etc/apache2.

By the way, I want to uninstall all my apache, any command  that do a clean 

--- El sáb, 15/11/08, Evan Platt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
De: Evan Platt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Asunto: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache
 2.10 doesnt upgrade
Para: users@httpd.apache.org
Fecha: sábado, 15 noviembre, 2008 1:04

rocio mejia wrote:
> could it be /because I have OSX 10.3.9 and only supports
 up to
I don't know.. Is that from Mac's website or is that stated on
Apache's website? If that were the case, you'd have different problems
than what you're describing.

> I read this in fink page. I tried to upgrade with source files and through
fink no error msg but version doesnt change. Give me a clue ? pls
Like I said, sounds like you have two (or more) copies of apache installed.
Look for httpd or apachectl in your path, find which one is currently being run,
then when you install, tell Apache what directory to install to.

Sounds like you're running apache from one directory, but when you're
installing, you're installing to a different


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