On Nov 19, 2008, at 9:29 PM, Justin Wright wrote:

I read somewhere that apache limited or could limit the size of the log files as it was writing them? I couldn’t find any configuration settings like this in the documentation.

Ah, the good old "read somwhere" approach.

No, Apache itself has nothing to do with the log files, it just writes to'em. If Apache is writing directly to the logfile, you can move it out of the way and then send Apache a Graceful restart. This won't interrupt service, but it'll open a new logfile without losing any precious data (since it has an open filehandle on the old file, regardless of your renaming it). If you're writing to logrotate, I don't know what your options are. Look in the source for logrotate, perhaps it has a signal it responds to in a similar way. If not, then that would be a neat patch.

And, take a Big Foam Cluebat to your customer. Then make them pay extra for you to clean up the mess they made.


Sander Temme
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