Hi Lesly
I don't know if you have ever watched how they balance a car wheel, but
if not. They bolt it to an electrical motor and spin it around. There is
sensors on this motor that detect where weight needs to be added to get
the wheel balanced so it wont vibrate when driving above 100km/h.

What I am trying to say is that you can't balance the wheel without
spinning it.

You can't tune your server without knowing the type of traffic and
volume it process.

Before you start tuning start to gather some graphs and statistics about
your webservers. This will enable you to make sensible decsisions about
what to tune. 

I can't really comment on tuning apache php because I dont use it very
often. A start would be to analyze access logs and see what your avarage
response time is. If you see signifcant spikes drill down into those and
try to acertain what is causing them. Does the php connect to a database
if it does, have a look at the database statistics and slow query logs
to see if you can do any optimizations there. Typically better indexes
or rewriting queries or forcing a query to use your "plan" instead of
the database plan for the query.

If you are using tomcat I would recommend using modjk to interface
between apache and tomcat. We use apache mpm because this allows us
better scalability. We tune various paramters such as:

Giving you values will not make any sense as it is very application
specific. Our tomcats does not "interact" with users via jsp which in
many aspects makes it easier to tune. We have an "application constant"
which is a measure of how many concurrent requests we can process on a
tomcat server. We determined the constant using jmeter and lots of

If there is quick fixes then I don't know them, I am sure there are some
easy wins you can apply but a bit of googling should reveal that. 

If you want your server to work very well you need to put in the
corresponding effort.

while true do

Best Regards

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leslie Herps || Novacle B.V. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 20 October 2008 23:20
> To: users@httpd.apache.org
> Subject: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache Worker MPM: Optimizing
> Hello,
> and thank you for your reply!
> > Have you read the documentation on these settings?, it is fairly
> > helpfull in getting a basic idea of what to tune.
> Yes, I have. It tells me what it is and does, but does not tell me any
> recommended settings...
> > Other than that it really depends on what your apache 
> server is serving.
> > Is it static pages, does it connect to tomcat, what type of 
> connectors
> > does it use, php, cgi etc.
> That's the thing. This is an install/compile I use on 
> multiple servers, (not
> all mine), serving multiple purposes.
> Most run HTML and PHP, some run Apache::ASP, some Tomcat5.5/JSP, etc.
> Is there a general rule I can apply that works for most servers?
> Any help here would be GREATLY appreciated!
> Thanks!
> Leslie

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