On 10/6/08, Mauro Sacchetto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Il lunedì 6 ottobre 2008 19:14:02 hai scritto:
> > None of the examples in the manual match against the protocol or
>  > hostname part of the URL.
>  > I previously described that you also can't match the query string in
>  > the rewriterule.
>  > You also probably need a trailing slash on the 2nd argument.
>  > Note that this rule redirects from the index.php page _to_ the "/"
>  > page which seems to be the opposite of what you want.
> To optimize the page for search motors, I neet to have always
>  a (pseudo)-static address in home. But I proceed for trials & errors
>  (moreover errors...). So I tried this (still not working):
>  Options +FollowSymLinks
>  RewriteEngine on
>  RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example.net [NC]
>  RewriteRule (.*) http://www.example.net/$1 [L,R=301]
>  RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} pagina=home
>  RewriteRule ^$ http://www.example.net [R=301,L]
>  I think more other syntactical mistakes...
>  Thax a lot
>  MS

The second rewrite redirects requests with the querystring
"?pagina=home" to the homepage.  To check querystrings with multiple
   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*&)*pagina=home(&)?
   RewriteRule (*.) / [P]

You seem to have the very common goal of having the homepage appear
for / even though your internal URL for the homepage includes extra
        RewriteRule ^/$ /index.php?pagina=home [P]

(From other posts)
   After, I come back to home using the menu, the address is:
   I'd like the address to be http://www.example.net/

You also want the any links to the homepage in your application to use
href="/" rather than href="/index.php?pagina=home".  The application
creates those links.  The code generating the menus includes the link
This cannot be fixed with basic Apache httpd; you should correct your
menus in the application. (mod_proxy_html might help if you get it to


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