This is probably a basic question, but I am anything but an expert at Apache
and I cannot seem to find the answer anywhere.   I have the latest version
of Apache setup with Subversion.  I have setup a VirtualHost such that SVN
is on its own domain ( and serves the repositories directly
off of that domain (without a /svn folder).  Currently, my VirtualHost
definition looks like this ....


NameVirtualHost *:443


<VirtualHost *:443 >



                ServerAdmin                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]



                SSLEngine                            on

                SSLCertificateFile      conf/server.pem

                SSLCertificateKeyFile   conf/server.pem


                DocumentRoot                                 "C:/Program
Files/VisualSVN Server"


                <Location "/" >

                                DAV svn



                                SVNListParentPath          on


                                SVNPathAuthz                  on


"Subversion Repositories"

                                AuthType                            Basic

                                AuthBasicProvider           file




                                require valid-user



                <Location "/htdocs" >

                                DAV off





With this config, I am currently having two issues.  I can browse the domain
just fine, but if I do not enter a repository name (i.e. only), then I get a 403 error message.  Second, if
I try to browse a repository (, then I get
an error which states "Error loading stylesheet: Parsing an XSLT stylesheet


>From what I have found thus far, potentially both of these issues are
because I am serving the SVN repositories directly off of the root of the
domain instead of having a sub "/svn" folder.  I know I have seen this setup
before though, so surely this is just a matter of configuration in order to
get the server to find the XSLT stylesheet and recognize the HTDOCS folder
for the root of the domain.


Anybody out there have any ideas?



-- Jeff


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