----- Original Message ----- From: Varuna Seneviratna To: users@httpd.apache.org Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 5:43 AM Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] What is the Difference between A webserver(apache) and an application server?
What is the Difference between A webserver(apache) and an application server? Varuna Various levels of complexity ;) At one level the answer is, they different stupid. At a higher level, the answer is, not much, same thing, different flavor. The more you learn, the closer they get. In general Java has cornered the brand name "application server", and there are many. On the spectrum, it moves through web pages, they become intelligent web pages (CGI, PHP, servlets), they become remote procedure calls (SOAP and Web services), they become managed beans (little applications) called the application server. However that sequence is not orderly, a good PHP developer may knock the pants of a Java servlet developer and a Java servlet developer may run rings around an EJB coder... it depends on what you doing, and how good you are with various tools. There are some nice distinguishing charateristics. When a system switches from delivering web a pages to doing remote procedure calls. When the client is a browser, or when the client becomes another application. Some technology feels very much like a tool, others you definitely know you living in someone elses system (world). Some systems mix, in others its near impossible to introduce another system. The POJO cult versus the EJB cult The KISS (keep it simple stupid) versus complexity cult. There is no short cut, you need to look at em all... The one you looking at is an anchor, you just got to know Apache httpd. The other one thats worth looking at is Tomcat. These two systems mix well, and will probably cover 95% of your needs. That other 5% is a difficult choice... SOAP versus EJB versus POJO etc. Its a good question, you need to learn em, or else you will never make the right choices. Choosing incorrectly, can get one into big trouble, round peg, square hole problems that only emerge after 6 months of work. They are certainly all interesting, and once you have studied them, you see the patterns. Dont learn em, and they can bite ;) Have fun... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARBOR : http://www.kewlstuff.co.za/index.htm The most powerful application server on earth. The only real POJO Application Server. See it in Action : http://www.kewlstuff.co.za/cd_tut_swf/whatisejb1.htm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------