Thanks for your reply. I do expect the binary releases are tied to platform
specific information (OS, processor architecture, dependent libraries). If
the only thing change is Apache server version, does it work? Or I should be
prepared to add a dimension to my binary release matrix. The grid for the
new dimension is the last part of the version number of Apache.

So, let me ask my question specific to a single platform again. Is Apache
a.b.y backward compatible with a.b.x in terms of loading modules previously
compiled with a.b.y? Do I have to recompile my modules for every single
minor releases?

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 1:34 PM, Dragon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Steve Wong did speak thusly:
> Hi,
> Assume I developed a module, compiled and tested with Apache 2.2.6. When I
> release the binary to others, what kind of compatibility may I claim in
> terms of Apache HTTP server version. May I say something like:
>     Compiled with Apache 2.2.6
>     Tested with Apache 2.2.6
>     In theory ccompatible with all 2.2.* Apache servers
> If there exist a good guild line/doc regarding release binary and
> describing compatibility, I would appreciate if someone can point me there.
> Thanks,
> -Steve
> ---------------- End original message. ---------------------
> No, you really can't claim any such thing because there are a bunch of
> system libraries involved on any platform on which Apache runs. Unless the
> OS and system libraries and processor architecture are the same, you can
> only claim that it will work on the exact same environment.
> Any other environment may be incompatible in any number of ways.
> Dragon
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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