Thank you very much all of you for your patience!!

I ve run the 'chmod' command and also 'chown' to the root document. But
still its saying the same forbidden error. I will definitely check once
again with my things once again and seek ur help..

2008/8/19 Frank Gingras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Actually, changing the ownership of the path DocumentRoot is configured to
> use to the same user apache is configured to run as is a very bad idea.
> What you should do, instead, is either changing the ownership to root,
> while giving it write access to the group that will update the content or
> using your regular user as the owner (provided he is the only user that
> needs write privileges there).
> After you've done that, suppose we have /var/www/htdocs as the DocRoot, you
> want to chmod /var and /var/www to 711, and use 755 for /var/www/htdocs. If
> you need write permission for your group, use 775 in the latter.
> As for SELINUX, you can simply run the command 'setenforce 0' as root to
> disable it.
> Evert Lammerts wrote:
>> Your User's called 'nobody'
>> do a
>>> chown nobody /path/to/document/root
>> obviously, replacing /path/to/document/root with the actual path to
>> your document root.
>> On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 3:17 PM, Ch Praveena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I am attaching my httpd.conf file. Please check with this..
>>> Thank you all for your patience.
>>> 2008/8/19 Krist van Besien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 14:44, Ch Praveena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Very happy to see your response :)
>>>>> I ve got the message as follows in my command line:
>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# chown www-user /path/to/document/root
>>>>> chown: `www-user': invalid user
>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# chown www-data /path/to/document/root
>>>>> chown: `www-data': invalid user
>>>>> NOTE: I ve not given the default PREFIX path while configuring the
>>>>> httpd
>>>>> home directory.
>>>> Could you please open your httpd.conf and tell us what the value of
>>>> the "User" directive is?
>>>> Krist
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>>> -Coolest Regards,
>>> Praveena Chalamcharla,
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-Coolest Regards,

Praveena Chalamcharla,

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