Hi there,


I've been using log_server_status to monitor the behaviour of my apache
servers and am getting some odd behaviour between Linux and solaris. On
solaris if I set the $server variable to a non-existent name , such as
www.foo.com <http://www.foo.com/> , then the script fails to connect to
the running webserver, which is exactly what I expect. In the linux
implementation (built under SLES10SP2) if I leave the $server variable
set to localhost it also fails as I expect as I don't have a webserver
running on However if I set the variable to anything other
than localhost, e.g "notlocalhost" or any other name other than that of
my listening server then the script connects and reports back properly.
Has anyone come across this before???? Obviously it makes my life easy
as on the linux servers I can deliver a generic script with
"notlocalhost" configured as the server name and I know it will connect
and report back okay. It just doesn't work as you would expect. Ie. A
duff name should result in a no-connection.


Also the standard delivered log_server_status script is faulty for the
following reason:


The request variable comes configured as "$request = "/status/?auto";" ,
whereas it should be "$request = "/server-status/?auto";"


Also the script is limited on what it will report so it would be better
to modify the script output to report more of what "/server-status?auto"
gives you. I have made the following changes to report more and to
format the outputted file better to allow graphing within the likes of


Date Format:


       $date = $year . `date +%m%d:%H%M%S`;


        $date = $year . `date +%m%d:%H.%M.%S`;



       while (<S>) {

               $requests=$1 if ( m|^BusyServers:\ (\S+)|);

               $idle=$1 if ( m|^IdleServers:\ (\S+)|);

               $number=$1 if ( m|sses:\ (\S+)|);

               $cpu=$1 if (m|^CPULoad:\ (\S+)|);


       print OUT "$time:$requests:$idle:$number:$cpu\n";



         while (<S>) {

                 $accesses=$1 if ( m|^Total Accesses:\ (\S+)|);

                 $kbytes=$1 if ( m|^Total kBytes:\ (\S+)|);

                 $cpuload=$1 if ( m|^CPULoad:\ (\S+)|);

                 $uptime=$1 if ( m|Uptime:\ (\S+)|);

                 $reqpersec=$1 if (m|^ReqPerSec:\ (\S+)|);

                 $bytespersec=$1 if (m|^BytesPerSec:\ (\S+)|);

                 $bytesperreq=$1 if (m|^BytesPerReq:\ (\S+)|);

                 $busyworkers=$1 if (m|^BusyWorkers:\ (\S+)|);

                 $idleworkers=$1 if (m|^IdleWorkers:\ (\S+)|);


         print OUT


Hope this helps someone out, but would there be any mileage in getting
the delivered script to suit the above format and also to apply the fix
to the request variable.






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