Hi, All,
  we run apache 2, httpd-2.2.3-11,  on linux with mod_authz_ldap-0.26-8.
  On sites where we require authenticating to an external ldap directory, when 
a user browses to the given site, they are prmpted for a login and password ... 
as expected.  If they give proper credentials, all is fine.  If they choose 
"Cancel" they get "Authorization Required" ... again fine.  If they enter bad 
values, they are re-prompted ... up to three times and then get an 
"Authorization Required" if the credentials are still incorrect ... also fine.
  The problem is when they are prompted for a login and password and they click 
"OK" without entering anything for id and password ... if someone does that, 
the get back an "Internal Server Error" rather than an "Authorization 
Required".  Note this does not happen on our apache 1.3 server also running on 
  The error in the error logs is basically:
  [Fri May 09 10:21:25 2008] [warn] [client] [14460] auth_ldap 
authenticate: user  authentication failed; URI /pubdir1/privdir1/dir/page1.pdf 
[ldap_search_ext_s() for user failed][Constraint violation], referer: 
  Note that "www.mysite.com" is not the real machine name / domain nor is 
"pubdir1/privdir1/dir/page1.pdf " the real page path but they are similar.
  "Constraint violation" almost sounds like a 0/0 issue.  Does anyone else have 
this issue ?  I have tried searching ( okay, googling ) for this but I am 
obviously not using the correct search string because I am not finding any 
mention of anyone else having this issue.  Are others fine using external ldap 
authentication with apache 2.2.x ?
  I appreciate any help anyone can provide.

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