Hi all

I have a server named as nishantha-lsf and it http-polling is running on
port 5280. I can directly access the http-polling service  with the URL
http://localhost:5280/http-poll. But I want to access it without specifying
the port number such as
 http://localhost/http-poll. So I used write module's capabilities and I add
following to my httpd.conf file. Then restarted the apache

<VirtualHost *>
  ServerName nishantha-lsf
  DocumentRoot /var/www/www
  <Directory /var/www/www/chat>
    Options  +Indexes +MultiViews
  AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule http-poll/ http://localhost:5280/http-poll/ [P]

But when I enter the URL http://localhost:5280/http-poll, it says you dont
have permission to access the http-poll on this server. However when I
specify the port (http://localhost:5280/http-poll/) it allows me to accsess.
Is there anything more to do with the configurations or is this a matter
with the server running on port 5280



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