Hi Guys, After installing apache2, python lib for apache2 (libapache2....), and doing some changes in default file in /etc/apache2/sites-available i was able to execute python scripts in /var/www/ directory from client side using url http://machine-ip/var/www/abc.py. but i want to place all of my python scripts in some other directory like /home/username/myserver, so what changes i have to make in configuration files at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf or some other place (like /etc/apache2/sites-available/default), so that my server side scripts placed in this folder (/home/username/myserver) gets executed from client side using some url like http://machine-ip/home/username/myserver/abc.py.<http://machine-ip/home/username/myserver/abc.py>
Thanks & Regards Syed