I'm running Apache 2 with Cosign 2.1.0rc1 on MOSX Server 10.5.2. I'm
trying to require Cosign login on a subfolder of my document root, but
Apache appears not to recognize my groups file.
Here's the directive in my :443 virtual host.
<Directory "/pathtofolder/docroot/myfoldername">
CosignProtected On
AuthType Cosign
AllowOverride AuthConfig
AuthGroupFile /pathtofolder/notdocroot/okay_groups
Require group specialpeople
okay_groups is a single line:
specialpeople: user1 user2 user3 user4
And here's the error:
[crit] configuration error: couldn't check access. No groups
file?: /myfoldername/index.php
I'm successfully using the above setup on a server running Apache
1.3 / MOSX Server 10.4.11 with mod_auth. The Apache 2 core/base
includes AuthType, AllowOverride, AuthGroupFile and Require, so I've
been presuming that I don't need to load any additional modules.
However, after reading about some trouble experienced by another
admin, I did try -- with no success -- loading mod_authz_user and
mod_auth_basic, which were not loaded by default.
Can someone point me in the right direction? Apple's "Web Technologies
Administration" document was no help, and Googling for the error
didn't return anything directly relevant.
Thank you for your time!
Chris Africa
Web Project Manager
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Michigan
Fridays: 734-730-6221
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