Tue, 8 Apr 2008 14:18:45 -0400, Joshua Slive:
> On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 10:05 AM, Daniel Aleksandersen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >  Inspired by 
> > http://h3h.net/2007/01/designing-urls-for-multilingual-web-sites/#method-07 
> > and 
> > http://h3h.net/2007/01/designing-urls-for-multilingual-web-sites/#method-08 
> > I want to use commas and semicolons for content negotiation with 
> > mod_negotiatate.
> >
> >  mod_negotiate only support file extension based negotiation. Meaning it 
> > only understands to negotiate between [../resource.en.utf-8.html] and 
> > [../resource.de.iso-8859-15.xhtml] when requesting [../resource].
> >
> No, MultiViews only does extension-based negotiation. With type-maps
> you can use whatever names you want. See:
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/content-negotiation.html#negotiation

Sorry for using the wrong terminology. Thanks for clarifying. :-) What I want 
is ideally to use commas instead of dots with the multiviews option.

> >  Ideally, what I envission is something like this: [../resource,en] that 
> > would be mapped to ../resource.en.utf-8.html].
> >
> >  More details on a permanent fix for this:
> >  https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=44779
> >
> >  Anyhow, I want to use this today. So how can I start using comma separated 
> > options in URIs today when mod_negotiate only supports dot separated 
> > options/extensions? Some clever rewrite?
> You can do this with type-maps or with mod_rewrite (although with the
> latter, you may need to do your own interpretation of the Accept-
> headers).

Would I have to create multiple type-maps, or can I spesify more resourses in 
one map? For example, would I have to have both [../resource.var] spesifying 
that the English version is at [../resource,en.var] and then have a map at 
[../resource,en.var] saying about the same thing? (I do negotiation for format, 
language, charset, and compression.)

> By the way, I think your bug report is off base. The actual name of
> the file on the file-system is irrelevant for the client.

No, it is just a different approtch to multiviews.
Daniel Aleksandersen

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