Thank you Oscar, for your information.

2008/4/8 Oscar Haeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi.
> Heartbeat is usually a private network between the nodes, used to send
> data about which nodes are alive. You'll want a low latency network for
> this. Google for clusters and heartbeat and you'll find lots of information
> I'm sure.
> Clusters can be used as High-Availiblity where server B is indeed just a
> backup, but it can also be used as High-Performance where two or more
> servers share the requests between them. Obviously the performance will
> degrade if parts of that cluster goes down. So yes, B can both be a backup
> and an equally performing server, depending on your setup.
> I'm a bit out of my compentence area here as I haven't done webserver
> clustering, but I do believe the general principle is about right. I'm sure
> someone on this list will correct me where I'm wrong.
> Cheers,
> Oscar
> ________________________________
> Från: Ch Praveena [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Skickat: ti 2008-04-08 10:47
> Till:
> Ämne: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Split-brain problem.
> Thank you Oscar,
>  As I am new to clustering Tomcat, Let me  know some information about
> Heartbeat too..
> And according to your information, Is that Server B a backup for Server
> A(So that when A fails, B attain its responsibilites) or an equally
> performing server with A.
> 2008/4/8 Oscar Haeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>        From my experience with clustering that is when the connection
> between parts of the clusters are lost and they can't agree on which one is
> supposed to keep serving the data. The most common way around it afaik is to
> have a priority and heartbeat between the nodes and allow them to kill each
> other off (something like STONITH = Shoot The Other Node In The Head) or
> similar.
>        So, if we have two servers A and B and a heartbeat (with STONITH)
> between them and node A misses a few heartbeats (perhaps a lockup, perhaps
> something else), then node B will reset node A and take over that nodes
> capabilities.
>        This is without reading about Terracotta so things might be
> different there, but that's the split-brain problem from my experience.
>        Hope this helps
>        Cheers
>        Oscar
>        ________________________________
>        Från: Ch Praveena [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>        Skickat: ti 2008-04-08 09:30
>        Till:
>        Ämne: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Split-brain problem.
>        Hi all,
>          While going on with Terracotta article,
>        --
>        For implementing application server clustering, I found this
> phrase, "Split-brain problem."..
>        Please let me know about this in detail..
>        Regards,
>        Praveena Chalamcharla,
>        Securview....
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Praveena Chalamcharla,

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