Can you be a bit more specific? Maybe attempt to paste some specific information from your httpd.confrelating to your setup of VirtualHosts, errors encountered when attempting to access the Vhost...
Everyone here has most likely setup virtual hosts. Have you googled information on this? "apache virtual host setup" in google (top results, main page): I am assuming you are running Linux or *nix. Are you in Windows? If so, it is still pretty standard, you just replace the file structure addresses with the proper locations of where your directories are located. Usually this is a pretty standard procedure. We, however, need more information to work on to help you... Standing by. Sincerely, Craig Huffstetler On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Edwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > has enbody ever set up virtual host. I keep trying and it keeps giving me > problems and error codes. I know I'm doing something wrong but don't know > what any help would be nice. > > ------------------------------ > *Join Excite! -* > The most personalized portal on the Web!