Krist van Besien wrote:
On Jan 10, 2008 3:58 PM, Lester Caine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm trying to set up an AliasMatch to catch some now quite regular attempts to
find 'phpmyadmin' using a whole string of different case versions of
'phpmyadmin' and then 'phpmyadmin-(various version number strings)'
I think my starting point needs to be a nice dummy reference to writing the
necessary regular expression. Alternatively can someone who has already done
it provide me with an sample :)
Of cause what is more annoying is that my web page footer lists the tools I'm
using - and a link to the server set-up so if they looked they would know I
don't use MySQL!
Having started to get everything under control I'm spending a little time each
day checking the error log and so anything to strip garbage and just leave the
real errors will be useful. I have a couple of other similar AliasMatch
entries to create but is going over my head
:( would be a better place to start :-)
I've found that one now as well and it's a bit more readable.
The question remains what you want to achieve. Currently all these
requests for phpmyadmin get a 404 returned I presume. With a
AliasMatch you can have these requests return something else, at the
expense of extra work for you and your server. Why would you want
It was a simple example.
The other bits I want to trap relate to legacy links from a windows server, so
the case is somewhat random.
Anyway you could use something like:
AliasMatch (?i)^/phpmyadmin /there-is-no-phpmyadmin-here-so-bugger-off.html
That is it exactly. Although I'll probably do a 'get a decent database' page :)
(?i) makes the match case insensitive.
^ anchors your regular expression to the start of the url.
That is the poke I needed. Actually I was making things more complex than they
needed to be - thinking down the lines of preg_.. and having to wrap the
The rest is what you want to match, where you don't need to match the
whole string, just enough so it's unique. /phpmyadmin will match
/PHPMyAdmin, /PHPMyAdmin-someversion etc...
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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