Phil Wild did speak thusly:
hit a snag
how would I expand this rule to capture and convert the following? -> YourHostName (works with rule)
YOUR.HOST.NAME -> YourHostName (currently not handled) -> YourHostName (currently not handled)
effectively the spec would be to take /doc/FQDN (regardless of case presented)
and capitaliseing every dot separated word returning
/doc/FullyQualifiedDomainName removing any characters other than
---------------- End original message. ---------------------
If I were to do something like this, I would most likely use the
RewriteMap directive to pass the incoming URL to a short Perl script
to do the transformation. The stdin file handle presents the program
with the request URL and you pass the result back via the stdout file handle.
See the section on the page linked above entitled "External Rewriting
Program" for details and a skeleton Perl script you can add your
processing to.
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