Hi all,
On an imac intel dual core, I recently migrated to Leopard from
Tiger 10.4.10. On my Tiger client, I had installed my own web server
using openssl and mod_ssl with Apache 1.3 server; https was working
On Leopard with apache 2.2.6 and OpenSSL 0.9.7,  I cannot set my own web
to work with openssl under https protocol.
Here are relevant informations about my settings :

As my ISP is blocking ports 80 and 443, I was using ports 8080 and 8083
under Tiger.
Under Leopard, as I could not set my server to work with ssl, I discovered,
using nmap, that only port 8080 is working for http and port 88 for

I tested my ports with http://www.canyouseeme.org/, I got the same result :
only two ports are opened.

So I phoned my ISP where techs told me that only a few ports were blocked
(22, 25, 80, 443,...) and port 8083 was still working on their side !
As my ISP doesn't block port 8083, I must understand that the problem is in
my machine... but where ? I do not have any firewall or router. Is it
possible that the Apache 2 server could be responsible ?

Other relevant information :

- I must point out that ssl module is loaded in my httpd.conf.
- In httpd-vhosts.conf I have declared 2 virtual hosts which work
 fine without httpd-ssl.conf and actually port 8080 is working fine for
- Phpinfo() tells me that openssl 0.97l is enabled.

Any idea ?

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