
I have a fairly busy application, 11 million pageviews a month or so, that
uses Windows 2003, Apache 2.0.5x and php 5.2.3 using mod_rewrite on about
90% of the requests.

The application periodically and without an obvious reason just completely
loses all POST data. The php $_POST object is completely empty and the raw
post data in php://input are completely empty. This happens about 1 out of
100 or more POST requests. We've ruled out direct (code level) application
bugs because for most people the error never occurs and because the same
person can resubmit the form POST a few times and it will get through.

Does this issue sound familiar to anyone? I've looked through the usual bug
databases and I see hints of our problem but the solutions they mention
don't ever work or they have no solution.

Any input out there?

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