You may want to try a network monitor to see what's actually going on. I use 
Network Spy on the PC. The freeware version just nags once in a while but 
otherwise is pretty complete. It will show all the transactions and may give 
some indication as to where  things are going slow.

- Steve

Tim Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I've got a vanilla Apache 2.0 server up 
on RHEL4.  HTML pages have a
bizarre 20 second delay in returning them to the client.  Here are the

1. HostNameLookups is off for this virtual host
2. I've disabled SELinux to rule that out
3. There doesn't seem to be many network collisions so I am ruling out
the network for the moment.
4. wget on the localhost of a page returns WITHOUT a delay.
5. Hitting simple Perl CGI scripts returns WITHOUT a delay (however
hitting IS slow  ... meaning
a URL with PATH_INFO is slow)
6. I don't have any special modules installed.
7. I have a single address listening on 8080 and a single virtual host.

Can someone give me some ideas to try and debug this?

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