Another idea in the same direction:

Use a RewriteMap on every request and have the
rewrite map do something ressuorce intensive.


<VirtualHost *:80>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteMap    mymap       prg:/tmp/

    RewriteRule ^/(.*) ${mymap:$1}

And the map /tmp/
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

#   disable buffered I/O which would lead
#   to deadloops for the Apache server
$| = 1;

while (<>) {
        sleep 5; # FIXME: Find something ressource-intensive here
        print "\n";

Mod_rewrite is fairly early in the request lifecycle.
So I am using it quite often in such a way when running
tests. (Mostly timing issues, where sleep is good enough)

just another 2 cents worth of info.


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