I simply cannot get a reverse proxy operational with mod_proxy on my Fedora
Core 6 setup (Apache 2.2). For example, if I want to proxy flickr.com (just
an example) from as http://mysite.org/flickr I should be able to do the
following according to the docs (
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_proxy.html#examples ):

In my http.conf for mysite.org:
<Location /flickr>
    ProxyPass http://www.flickr.com
    ProxyPassReverse http://www.flickr.com

This works initially. Going to http://mysite.org/flickr sure enough gives me
the flickr main page (understand images and stuff are hosted elsewhere so
they're coming direct and not via the proxy but that's ok for our example).
But move your mouse over links like "Sign In" and other relative links and
they show as http://mysite.org/signin instead of the (required)
http://mysite.org/flickr/signin . I understand that links in the page that
start with the protocol will not be re-written but that's not my problem.
ProxyPassReverse is missing that extremely important /flickr Location
identifier for mysite.org to properly proxy this site.

This is driving me nuts and I feel that I'm missing something obvious but I
can't for the life of me get past this. Could some kind soul save me from my


    -- Ben

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