On 9/11/07, Issac Goldstand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris 'Xenon' Hanson wrote:
> > Yogsothoth GV wrote:
> >> | >  Why would you want to?
> >> Say, you are streaming video/audio over HTML like Flash, quicktime.
> >> This doesn't
> >> necessarily require TCP like semantics because delay due to packet
> >> retransmission or HOL blocking is bad (when serving real time data).
> >> However, if you are using a transport protocol like
> >> UDP  you might experience small disturbance, which is better than
> >> stalled video/audio. This
> >> is one reason that I can think on top of my head.
> >
> >   Yes, but that's why protocols like RTSP were invented.

I don't want to use RTSP or other streaming protocols(which is not on HTTP),

because I am trying to  make a case that streaming over HTTP can be useful.
 This is purely for experimental basis. Sorry, I should have made it clear

Playing the devil's advocate here:
> On the one hand, many firewalls block RSTP; on the other hand I don't
> know that any streaming media clients do UDP with anything other than
> RSTP, so while streaming over HTTP-UDP to bypass firewalls makes sense,

This is exactly one of the reason why I want to experiment. Also using RTSP
requires maintaining another server, which is not necessarily required if
we can plug-in custom protocols into apache. This with other ideas I have
for custom protocols,
I want to see If I can provide better QoS to Users.

it's pretty uncommon, and not sure how much support clients will have.
> Of course, it might make sense to make an RSTP protocol module for
> Apache :-)
>   Issac

Yes, I am aware that clients doesn't support Streaming video - HTTP-UDP for
streaming. I will
start with some simple benchmarks and If it is benefical, I might modify
a client to do that.

I would like to patch apache with UDP. Please send me patches, will apply
email you if I run to issues.


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