Thanks for the prompt reply - much appreciated.

This confirmed what my experimentation showed, so I've come up with a
solution that, while not quite ideal, seems to be working.
I've created a rewrite matching the "user_score" portion of the uri, and
send only these requests to a new virtual host, which in turn is home to the
cache. So far, it seems to be working. I admit that it's probably not an
optimal solution, but it's reducing load on the back-end cluster

Once again, thanks for the help!

On 8/9/07, Joshua Slive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/9/07, wi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi again
> >
> > I have a REST-based application that is getting quite loaded. I need to
> > begin caching some dynamically generated png files that are created by
> the
> > command:
> >
> > /users/<id>/games<game-id>/user_score
> >
> > Ideally, I'd like to create a caching directive along the following
> lines:
> >
> > CacheEnable disk /users/*/games/*/user_score
> >
> > so that the thumbnail graphic can be cached.
> As far as I know, you can't use wildcards in CacheEnable (although I
> haven't checked the code). You can only specify an exact leading path.
> One thing to consider: if you are sending proper cache-control
> directives with your non-png files, then there shouldn't be any
> problem in letting the cache act on them. If you don't want them in
> the cache at all, simply send Cache-control: no-cache.
> Joshua.
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