Happy Monday all,

I'm getting closer with my hardened reverse proxy /mod_security.  I'm at the
point now where almost everything works, until I get to the GETs. The posts
all work fine, the GETs don't, both to the same cgi executable.   When you
don't go through the proxy the GETs work fine.  Is this something that is
intuitive to someone out there?






From: Carlos Eduardo Maiolino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 5:25 AM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache CGI security


Hello Friends.

I need tips to add more security in my Apache Server. Mainly with
I use the suEXEC, but, with a cgi-script (perl), I obtain a list of the



system("cat /etc/passwd");

how to solve these problems?



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