
I have the following config file which came with apcupsd. I am a
newbie at configuring Apache, so please tell me why
"http://..../apcupsd/"; produces "Forbidden". It seems from the config
below that the cgi script should be executed instead.

# apcupsd configuration file for Apache Web server

# files are off the documentroot of Web server
ScriptAlias /apcupsd/ "/var/www/apcupsd/"

# Allow only local access at default
# Change the ".example.com" to match your domain or modify
# access rights to your needs to enable remote access also.
<Directory "/var/www/apcupsd">
   DirectoryIndex multimon.cgi upsstats.cgi
   AllowOverride None
   Options ExecCGI Indexes
   Order deny,allow
   Deny from all
   Allow from
   Allow from ::1
   # Allow from .example.com


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