Hi! I'm using Analog to analyze the log files. Checking the "Listing queries" report I found the following lines: Listing queries, sorted by the number of requests. reqs search term 2 yaffa tel aviv 1 *³-%9c*³-%95*³-%92*³-%99*³-*²�§*³-%94 *³-*²�×*³-*²�**³-*²�©*³-%99*³-%9d *³-%96*³-*²�**³-%99*³-%9e*³-%94 1 fishes from maagan michael farm 1 ein hemed 1 biriya 1 tel aviv 1 *³-%9e*³-*²�¢*³-*²�**³-%9b*³-%95*³-*²�× *³-%9e*³-%99*³-%93*³-*²�¢
*³-*²�×*³-*²�**³-*²�©*³-%99*³-%9e*³-%99*³-%9d 1 *³-*²�**³-*²�©*³-*²�× *³- *³-%95*³-%91*³-%9c Can be the "garbage" in the second and last 2 lines a result of queries with Hebrew characters\words? Analog people answered that this is not their problem. Have you any idea how can I set the system to show the correct Hebrew characters from the queries? Please help TIA Nanu Nanu Kalmanovitz Technologies Tel.: 972-3-5523542 Celular: 050-5843879 Kalmanovitz Bros. computerization promotion Ltd. P.O.Box 3434 Holon 58133 Israel www.kalmanovitz.co.il
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 X-GWTYPE:USER FN:Nanu Kalmanovitz TEL;WORK:972-3-5523542 ORG:;Technologies TEL;PREF;FAX:972-3-5512204 EMAIL;WORK;PREF;NGW:[EMAIL PROTECTED] N:Kalmanovitz;Nanu END:VCARD
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